Frederick Remington
Frederic Sackrider Remington (October 4, 1861 - December 26, 1909) was an American painter, illustrator, sculptor, and writer who specialized in depictions of the Old American West, specifically concentrating on the last quarter of the 19th century American West and images of cowboys, American Indians, and the U.S. Cavalry.
Remington was the most successful Western illustrator in the ??Golden Age?? of illustration at the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century, so much so that the other Western artists such as Charles Russell and Charles Schreyvogel were known during Remington??s life as members of the ??School of Remington??. His style was naturalistic, sometimes impressionistic, and usually veered away from the ethnographic realism of earlier Western artists such as George Catlin. His focus was firmly on the people and animals of the West, with landscape usually of secondary importance, unlike the members and descendants of the Hudson River School, such as Frederic Edwin Church, Albert Bierstadt, and Thomas Moran, who glorified the vastness of the West and the dominance of nature over man. He took artistic liberties in his depictions of human action, and for the sake of his readers?? and publishers?? interest. Though always confident in his subject matter, Remington was less sure about his colors, and critics often harped on his palette, but his lack of confidence drove him to experiment and produce a great variety of effects, some very true to nature and some imagined.
His collaboration with Owen Wister on The Evolution of the Cowpuncher, published by Harper??s Monthly in September 1893, was the first statement of the mythical cowboy in American literature, spawning the entire genre of Western fiction, films, and theater that followed. Remington provided the concept of the project, its factual content, and its illustrations and Wister supplied the stories, sometimes altering Remington??s ideas. (Remington??s prototype cowboys were Mexican rancheros but Wister made the American cowboys descendants of Saxons??in truth, they were both partially right, as the first American cowboys were both the ranchers who tended the cattle and horses of the American Revolutionary army on Long Island and the Mexicans who ranched in the Arizona and California territories). Related Paintings of Frederick Remington :. | Buffalo Bill in the Spotlight | The Buffalo Runner | The Fall of the Cowboy | Apache | Victory Dance | Related Artists: georg von rosenJohan Georg Otto von Rosen, född 13 februari 1843 i Paris, död 1923 i Stockholm, var en svensk konstnär och greve av ätten von Rosen. Han målade i den akademiska stilen, till stor del historiemåleri och porträtt. Han var professor vid Konstakademien 1880-1908 och dess direktör 1881-1887 samt 1893-1899. Som konstakademiens direktör kom han i stark konflikt med den nya generation av konstnärer som krävde reformer av akademiens utbildning och utställningsverksamhet, de så kallade opponenterna.
Georg von Rosen föddes i Paris 1843 som son till generalkonsuln greve Adolf Eugene von Rosen (kallad "de svenska järnvägarnas fader") och hans hustru Euphrosyne Rizo-Rangabe. Hans första levnadsår förflöt i Paris, varifrån familjen flydde till Sverige under februarirevolutionen 1848. Han studerade 1855-1861 vid Konstakademien i Stockholm. 1862 besökte Rosen världsutställningen i London där han lärde känna belgaren Henri Leys' arbeten, målningar med scener från medeltiden och renässansen målade i ålderdomlig stil. Dessa verk gjorde ett stort intryck på von Rosen. Han skrev själv
Stående hvarje dag i flere timmar, försjunken i åskådandet af dessa om en snart sagdt öfvermänsklig intuition vittnande bilder, som likväl flertalet i den stora hopen med likgiltighet skred förbi, drömde jag mig tillbaka in i en hänsvunnen tid och för mina yttre ögon försvann hela den öfriga utställningen, den omgifvande mängden, ja hela den existerande verlden! Då jag lemnade London, var jag på 14 dagar vorden 300 år äldre.
Rosen uppsökte följande året mästaren i Antwerpen och tillbringade en tid i hans umgänge och i hans atelje. Återkommen till Sverige, inspirerad av mötet, målade han Sten Sture d.ä. intåg i Stockholm. Den medeltida stadsmiljön med det noggranna återgivandet av stenläggningen och den närmast osannolika rikedomen på byggnadsdetaljer känns igen från Leys målningar. von Rosen belönades med kunglig medalj för målningen, och blev hyllad och uppskattad av Oscar II på grund av bildspråket, som i hög grad uttryckte den oscarianska epokens ideal. Samma år begav han sig ut på resa och besökte Egypten, Palestina, Syrien, Osmanska riket, Grekland och Ungern där han studerade måleri. 1866 vistades han ett år i Rom och vistades sedan åter hos Leys fram till dennes död 1869. Därefter studerade han i Menchen under Karl Piloty och reste sedan vidare till Italien innan han återkom till Sverige 1871. Efter hemkomsten målade han Erik XIV och Karin Månsdotter.
1872 blev han ledamot av Konstakademien, 1874 blev han vice professor, 1879 kammarherre och 1880 professor i figurteckning och målning. 1881-1887 samt 1893-1899 var han direktör för Akademins läroverk. 1892-1900 var han även ordförande i Nordiska samfundet till bekämpande av det vetenskapliga djurplågeriet, numera Djurens Rätt.
Han avled 1923 och förblev ogift under hela sitt liv. stanley spencerEnglish painter and daughtsman.
Spencer received his first formal training in 1907 at the Maidenhead Technical Institute, Berkshire. A year later he enrolled at the Slade School, London, where, as a day student nicknamed 'Cookham' by his fellow students, he remained until 1912. In that year his painting the Nativity (London, U. Coll.) was awarded both the Melville Nettleship and the Composition prizes. It shows the wide range of his early influences, from 15th-century Renaissance painting to the Pre-Raphaelites and Post-Impressionism: just as Gauguin's Yellow Christ (1889; Buffalo, NY, Albright-Knox A.G.) was set in Pont Aven, Spencer's similarly Neo-primitive Holy Family is placed in Mill Lane, Cookham. By then Spencer had firmly established his birthplace at the centre of his spiritual universe. He wrote, 'When I left the Slade and went back to Cookham, I entered a kind of earthly paradise. Everything seemed fresh and to belong to the morning. My ideas were beginning to unfold in fine order when along comes the war and smashes everything.'
Max, Gabriel Cornelius vonCzechoslovakian, 1840-1915
Painter, illustrator and teacher, nephew of (1) Emanuel Max. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Prague (1855-8), and the Akademie der Bildenden K?nste, Vienna (1858-61), and under Karl Theodor von Piloty at the Akademie der Bildenden K?nste, Munich (1863/4-7). He settled in Munich, where he opened a private school of painting in 1869. His paintings and book illustrations of the second half of the 1860s show an affinity with the late Romanticist movement. He illustrated works of German literature by Wieland, Lenau and Schiller, as well as producing illustrations for Goethe's Faust (1867-8; Prague, N.G., Kinsky Palace). As well as literary and even musical sources, religious themes frequently occur in his work, including his first great success, the Crucifixion of St Julie (1867; ex-Sotheby's, London, 1976). In numerous female figures and portraits Max explored the tension between the inner state and the charm of the physical appearance or surroundings of his subjects. His interest in the artistic perception of relationships between physical reality and the spiritual world led him to a study of anthropology and contemporary occultism and mysticism, as in his portraits of the Seer of Prevorst